Judge Rules Grand Juror In Breonna Taylor Case Can Make Public Statements

Jefferson County Circuit Court Judge Annie O'Connell has ruled that an anonymous grand juror can make public statements regarding the Breonna Taylor case.

"The grand jury did not have homicide offenses explained to them," the anonymous grand juror wrote in a statement presented by attorney Kevin Glogower.

"The grand jury never heard about those laws. Self defense or justification was never explained either."

Judge O'Connell's ruling is a rarity. Nearly three weeks ago, the anonymous grand juror filed a lawsuit requesting the ability to make statements regarding the proceedings. In most grand jury proceedings, jurors are not allowed to make public statements in an effort to provide citizens anonymity. However, concerns regarding the manner in which the proceedings took place have raised concerns of citizens. Thus, Judge O'Connell moved to allow the grand juror to make today's statement.

As expected, the grand juror pointed to concerns regarding the charges brought forth to to jury. Furthermore, the anonymous juror explained that Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron only presented wanton endangerment charges against one of the officers.

"Questions were asked about additional charges and the grand jury was told there would be none because the prosecutors didn't feel they could make them stick," Glogower said on behalf of the juror.

"The grand jury didn't agree that certain actions were justified, nor did it decide the indictment should be the only charges in the Breonna Taylor case. The grand jury was not given the opportunity to deliberate on those charges and deliberated only on what was presented to them. I can't speak for other jurors but I can help the truth be told."

This anonymous grand juror may not be the only juror to make a public statement. Louisville activist Christopher 2X has said that he has been in contact with another grand juror who was interested in speaking. However, the juror was waiting for the outcome of the first juror's lawsuit to move forward.

Attorney General Cameron's office has yet to make a statement.

Photo: Getty Images

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