Children’s Book Inspires All To ‘Wade Through The Pandemic’

Georgia five-year-old Wade Williams and his dad, Joshua Williams, are receiving praise for their book, Wade Through the Pandemic

The book, published October 2, was inspired by Wade’s many questions about the pandemic. His biggest one was how to help. 

“It all started by him saying ‘Dad I really want to help. I really want to help people,” Joshua told CNN

The book, currently listed on Amazon’s Best Sellers in Children’s New Baby Books list, was written using Wade’s life during the pandemic. It starts with the first day he was pulled out of school and goes on to include his grandmother’s bout with the virus as well as the arrival of his new baby sister. 

The father-son duo hope that other kids and families can use the book and their story to remain hopeful and build resiliency during the pandemic. Wade told CBS 46, he wants his story “To help get kids through the pandemic.” 

Wade says being a published author is “awesome!” His dad, who encourages Wade’s creativity, says all proceeds from the book are going straight to the preschooler’s college fund. 

This message of hope is certainly needed as the country sees another record surge in new coronavirus cases. 

Photo: Getty Images

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