Mom Of Black Boy Charged For Urinating In Public Won't Ok Probation Terms

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The mother of the 10-year-old boy who was sentenced to probation for urinating in public is asking for his charge to be dismissed.

According to the mother, the child urinated behind her vehicle while she was visiting a lawyer's office in Senatobia, Mississippi on August 10. Police officers witnessed the incident and arrested the 10-year-old. He was put in a police car and taken to the station.

Police said they didn't put the child in handcuffs, but his mom said he was put in a jail cell.

The boy was sentenced last week to three months of probation and was ordered to write a two-page book report on NBA superstar Kobe Bryant. His mother initially planned to sign off on the terms, but changed her mind after reading the full probation agreement, Carlos Moore, the family's attorney said, per the Associated Press.

Prosecutors previously threatened to upgrade the boy's charge from "child in need of supervision" to disorderly conduct if the boy’s family took the case to trial, according to Moore.

“We cannot in good conscience accept a probation agreement that treats a 10-year-old child as a criminal,” Moore said. “The terms proposed are not in the best interest of our client, and we will take all necessary steps to challenge them.”

Terms of the probation agreement included submitting drug tests to a probation officer, a bar on the use of weapons, and an 8 p.m. curfew for the child.

“It’s just a regular probation. I thought it was something informed for a juvenile. But it’s the same terms an adult criminal would have,” Moore said.

Moore said he filed a motion in Tate County Youth Court, requesting that the case be dismissed or taken to trial. A hearing on the motion is set for January 16.

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