Breonna Taylor Case Will Soon Be Presented To A Grand Jury

A grand jury will soon hear Breonna Taylor's case.

According to multiple outlets, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is set to present his investigation findings surrounding the fatal police shooting of Taylor, a 26-year-old EMT who was killed after police broke down the door to her apartment while executing a "no-knock" warrant on March 13, to a grand jury in the coming days.

The grand jury, which was empaneled this week, "will be hearing other criminal cases first to get their feet wet with the process and then hear the Taylor case," a source close to the investigation told CNN.

The case will reportedly be presented at an undisclosed location near Louisville. The grand jury will eventually decide the fate of the three officers — Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly and officers Brett Hankison and Myles Cosgrove — who opened fire during the incident.

Cameron tweeted on Wednesday (September 9) that his "office is continually asked about a timeline regarding the investigation into the death of Ms. Breonna Taylor. An investigation, if done properly, cannot follow a specific timeline."

"My office has endeavored since day one to find the truth and pursue justice, wherever that may take us and however long that may take," he wrote.

"When the investigation concludes and a decision is made, we will provide an update about an announcement," Cameron continued. "The news will come from our office and not unnamed sources. Until that time, the investigation remains ongoing."

Photo: Getty Images

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