Homeless Man Slammed For Saying He 'Didn’t Feel Safe' Around Black People

Foto: Getty Images

A white homeless man was quickly set straight after he refused to stand in line with Black people because he "didn't feel safe."

In a TikTok posted by Hot Spot Media, a Black woman, identified by social media users as Shirley, appeared to be handing out food to a line of majority-Black homeless people.

A white homeless man standing in the line allegedly asked to be served first because he "didn't feel safe" among his Black counterparts.

That's when Shirley appeared to step in and set the white man straight on his views.

"You are responsible for you," Shirley told the man. "You being the only white person in that line, we have lived that plight all of our life of being the only Black person in the space not feeling protected and safe. We are not here to hear your cup of tears."

"Stand in that line, do the best you can, do not come over here bullying us," she added.

Shirley then called out the man for allegedly threatening to call the police because he didn't think he was being served properly.

"I find it quite frankly selfish and rude and I have nothing else to say," Shirley said. "If you call the police on those people, I hope this community comes for you. That's rude."

"We are not here for you, we are here for all of you and you're making it about you. Walk away," the woman concluded her poignant speech.

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